Feature Requests

Request for Export Functionality, Auto-Submit Clarification, and Usage Guidance on Categories and Datasets (Details)
As an enthusiastic user of the ChatGPT Prompt Plus plugin, I'd like to express my appreciation for the features it offers while also highlighting a couple of areas where additional guidance or clarification would greatly benefit users. Firstly, I'd like to suggest the inclusion of an export feature for prompts within the plugin. This feature could offer both local export options and the capability to synchronize prompts with cloud services, specifically, the integration of OneDrive. The intention behind this suggestion is to safeguard prompts against potential losses due to unforeseen bugs or system malfunctions. My motivation for emphasizing this request comes from a previous unfortunate incident with another plugin, "AI Prompt Genius," where a bug resulted in the irrevocable loss of all prompts. This experience reinforced the importance of having a safety net for prompt preservation. Furthermore, I seek clarity on a few specific functionalities within the ChatGPT Prompt Plus plugin: the "Auto submit" option while adding a prompt, and the usage of "Categories" and "Datasets." Understanding how these features function and their optimal usage would significantly enhance the overall user experience. Incorporating an export function compatible with OneDrive and providing clear guidance on the use of "Auto submit," "Categories," and "Datasets" would elevate the usability and reliability of the ChatGPT Prompt Plus plugin for users like me. Your attention to these suggestions would be immensely valuable and appreciated. Thank you for continuously striving to improve the plugin's functionalities! Any Additional Details : For the export functionality, formats like JSON or TXT would be beneficial, and integrating with OneDrive would offer a seamless cloud-based backup solution. Additionally, detailed instructions or tooltips explaining the functionalities of "Categories" and "Datasets" within the plugin interface would be immensely helpful in maximizing their utility for users.